Jyh-Gang Hsieh

Physician, Heart Lotus Hospice, Family Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taiwan

"Religions can provide emotional and psychological support for all the terminal ill children and their families, give new meaning for their suffering and life, and help them to cherish what they have at that moment."


I will do all within my power so that every child with a life limiting or a life-threatening illness has access to paediatric palliative care.

Paediatric Palliative Care is the best approach for all children and young people suffering from a life-threatening and/or life-limiting disease.

Collectively, we have the opportunity and awareness to advocate for child-specific palliative care and for its provision as an integral part of the health care system of every country and relieve the suffering of so many more vulnerable children with life-threatening and life-limiting illness.