Natasha (Kjærstad) Pedersen

Mother of Andrea (deceased from cancer), Board member at Elisabeth Kübler Ross Foundation, Editor in Chief at JA Til Lindrende Enhet Og Omsorg For Barn and Advocacy Advisory Group at International Children's Palliative Care Network Lives in Kristiansand, Norway

"Children are the most spiritual human beings on earth and are our future, despite their illness towards death . From these children we can learn the essence of life and how to be in the moment. For those who seek to understand it, death is a highly creative force. The highest spiritual values of life can originate from it and by integrate religions in palliative care and because death is universal in all religions we will be able to have a common ground also by having a joint declaration. Our most vulnerable children and their family deserve it and is should be a part of human rights to have children’s palliative care, that’s why we need a charter!"


I will do all within my power so that every child with a life limiting or a life-threatening illness has access to paediatric palliative care.

Paediatric Palliative Care is the best approach for all children and young people suffering from a life-threatening and/or life-limiting disease.

Collectively, we have the opportunity and awareness to advocate for child-specific palliative care and for its provision as an integral part of the health care system of every country and relieve the suffering of so many more vulnerable children with life-threatening and life-limiting illness.